Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Times Change, We Change...

How times change…we change
The recent trend among youngsters nowadays is blogging. I was never really interested in them but then when I saw my family members and close friends beginning to write I decided why not give it a try…so here goes my first article….
The other day I was just thinking of my childhood days…those carefree, immature and innocent days where there were no problems relating to anything…friendship just meant playing together and having some fun, relationships were not even in the picture, doing well in studies was not so important as most of us did not even really know what our aspirations were …life was basically just about having fun!
Moving on to my childhood, I was this brash, boisterous, immature tomboy girl…i used to copy my brother in everything he did…his opinion was the supreme opinion for me…I used to idolize him…he was my hero…even today part of me still does but I would now prefer to use the work look up or respect…I was very much influenced by him and in a good way but…I used to play with his friends and I liked being treated the kid sister among them who is to be taken care of…all my friends envied this position of mine…and I loved it!
But then times changed and my brother went away for further studies…our bond as such did not change one bit…but he’s moving away from away home did change my life. I basically was no more the kid sister and starting having an identity of my own. I became more mature and responsible. i started having my opinions and even secrets! This transition was smooth and I did not even realize that I was changing…
Then came junior college which completely changed my life…I was lucky enough to get a gang of friends as soon as I entered college…I was part of that smart gang whom everyone wanted to be a part of…you know how it is…it was like everyone in college seemed to know me…I started having a bit of an attitude and even became a snob…I began to outgrow being a tomboy. My clothes, matching accessories, matching shoes became an important part of my life. Now I was part of this gang and I had to live up to my so called reputation…I learnt a lot of good things from this gang of mine…gaurav taught to me to be non-judgmental. From prajakta and nikita I learnt to be practical, from pooja I learnt that it is good to be frank at times, from sanyukta to be daring and from Akanksha and Aditi to be diplomatic. Then there was abhishek who has no airs or attitude and that’s the reason he gets along so well with everyone. Till now I haven’t ever really heard anyone say anything negative about him. And then of course was Apurva from whom I learnt a very important thing to be trustworthy. It is a great feeling when someone confides into you something and in turn it our duty not to break that trust…thus my junior college helped me change into a trustworthy, non-judgemental and a less sentimental person.
Then came senior college…time to part with the old friends and make new ones. I still remember initially in my new college I did not find the need to make new friends as I was so comfortable being with my old friends….but yes at some time we have to move on and step into our new life…so a bit later again I accepted the change and made a whole group of friends. These people are very special in my life…again I learnt some new aspects of life…anmol taught to be carefree again and not to let things affect you, ankit also in the opposite way taught me the same thing as he is the one who gets affected easily by fights and problems in life…raveesha ,ankit, kamakshi again taught me to be trustworthy and ishan and Sonia to strengthen your weaknesses and win over your fears…
Each of these people has taught me such important qualities of life… Every fight with each one of this persons has helped me learn something…
You know, I have a very unique and loving family whom I can go on and on about…but it is such friends because of whom I am happy! These people and my entire family complete me somewhere.
My equation with many of these people has changed but I will always value each of one you. Thus this is how I have changed and for the good. From being the insensitive tomboy, I have grown so much that today I am writing this article…so you can imagine what a huge transition it is! 

How Times Change, We Change...

How times change…we change
The recent trend among youngsters nowadays is blogging. I was never really interested in them but then when I saw my family members and close friends beginning to write I decided why not give it a try…so here goes my first article….
The other day I was just thinking of my childhood days…those carefree, immature and innocent days where there were no problems relating to anything…friendship just meant playing together and having some fun, relationships were not even in the picture, doing well in studies was not so important as most of us did not even really know what our aspirations were …life was basically just about having fun!
Moving on to my childhood, I was this brash, boisterous, immature tomboy girl…i used to copy my brother in everything he did…his opinion was the supreme opinion for me…I used to idolize him…he was my hero…even today part of me still does but I would now prefer to use the work look up or respect…I was very much influenced by him and in a good way but…I used to play with his friends and I liked being treated the kid sister among them who is to be taken care of…all my friends envied this position of mine…and I loved it!
But then times changed and my brother went away for further studies…our bond as such did not change one bit…but he’s moving away from away home did change my life. I basically was no more the kid sister and starting having an identity of my own. I became more mature and responsible. i started having my opinions and even secrets! This transition was smooth and I did not even realize that I was changing…
Then came junior college which completely changed my life…I was lucky enough to get a gang of friends as soon as I entered college…I was part of that smart gang whom everyone wanted to be a part of…you know how it is…it was like everyone in college seemed to know me…I started having a bit of an attitude and even became a snob…I began to outgrow being a tomboy. My clothes, matching accessories, matching shoes became an important part of my life. Now I was part of this gang and I had to live up to my so called reputation…I learnt a lot of good things from this gang of mine…gaurav taught to me to be non-judgmental. From prajakta and nikita I learnt to be practical, from pooja I learnt that it is good to be frank at times, from sanyukta to be daring and from Akanksha and Aditi to be diplomatic. Then there was abhishek who has no airs or attitude and that’s the reason he gets along so well with everyone. Till now I haven’t ever really heard anyone say anything negative about him. And then of course was Apurva from whom I learnt a very important thing to be trustworthy. It is a great feeling when someone confides into you something and in turn it our duty not to break that trust…thus my junior college helped me change into a trustworthy, non-judgemental and a less sentimental person.
Then came senior college…time to part with the old friends and make new ones. I still remember initially in my new college I did not find the need to make new friends as I was so comfortable being with my old friends….but yes at some time we have to move on and step into our new life…so a bit later again I accepted the change and made a whole group of friends. These people are very special in my life…again I learnt some new aspects of life…anmol taught to be carefree again and not to let things affect you, ankit also in the opposite way taught me the same thing as he is the one who gets affected easily by fights and problems in life…raveesha ,ankit, kamakshi again taught me to be trustworthy and ishan and Sonia to strengthen your weaknesses and win over your fears…
Each of these people has taught me such important qualities of life… Every fight with each one of this persons has helped me learn something…
You know, I have a very unique and loving family whom I can go on and on about…but it is such friends because of whom I am happy! These people and my entire family complete me somewhere.
My equation with many of these people has changed but I will always value each of one you. Thus this is how I have changed and for the good. From being the insensitive tomboy, I have grown so much that today I am writing this article…so you can imagine what a huge transition it is! 